Friday, March 20, 2009

Alberta still spinning royalty

The Calgary Herald remains the Conservative Ink Barrel. No posts allowed if they pertain to the truth about the royalties. One has to wonder why you even subscribe! The comments are more interesting than the stories as in how far misinformation goes.

On point:
Comparison of Alberta royalty to that of Saskatchewan and BC.
Alberta takes 19% in Canadian dollars now. The others take 30% Plus in US dollars
We are short 22% at this point on exchange alone plus another 11% on the actual exchange rate.

On start up royalty our neighbors collect 2% and we only collect 1% and that, only when oil reaches 45.00 per barrel.

It is Albertans who carry the brunt of the punishment in this downturn, not the oil companies. However, there is enough of that to go around.

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